Enzymes are complex proteins that serve as biological catalysts, speeding up chemical reactions within the body. They play a crucial role in the body's digestive process and are found in all living organisms. Enzymes are sensitive to heat and can be denatured, or destroyed, when exposed to high temperatures. Unfortunately, most people consume a diet that is deficient in enzymes, which can lead to a host of health problems. This has significant implications for the way we cook and consume food, and may have an impact on overall health and aging.

When enzymes are denatured, they lose their structure and ability to function properly. Cooking food at high temperatures destroys many of the enzymes present in the food, making it more difficult for the body to digest and absorb nutrients. This can lead to a range of health problems, including inflammation, gut issues, and nutrient deficiencies.
Consuming raw or alive foods that contain enzymes can help to support the body's natural digestive processes. Enzymes in raw foods help to break down food more efficiently, allowing the body to absorb more nutrients and reducing the risk of inflammation and gut issues.
"Enzymes are the spark of life, the keys to good health and vitality. They are the labor force that makes food work for us." - Dr. Edward Howell
Several studies have suggested that consuming enzymes from food may have additional health benefits. For example, research has shown that enzymes may help to reduce inflammation in the body, support healthy immune function, and even slow down the aging process. One study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that consuming enzyme-rich foods may help to improve overall health and well-being in elderly individuals.
In order to benefit from the enzymes present in food, it is important to consume a diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables. These foods are naturally rich in enzymes and can help to support healthy digestion and overall health. It is also important to avoid overcooking food and to choose cooking methods that preserve the natural enzymes present in the food.

Enzymes are a vital component of a healthy diet, playing a crucial role in the body's digestive process and overall health. By consuming raw or alive foods that are rich in enzymes, we can help to support healthy digestion, reduce inflammation, and even slow down the aging process. Incorporating more raw fruits and vegetables into our diets and choosing cooking methods that preserve the natural enzymes in food can have significant health benefits.
Enzymes are critical to our overall health. Unfortunately, most people consume a diet that is deficient in enzymes, which can lead to a host of health problems. By eating more raw enzymes, we can support our body's natural repair processes, improve digestion and nutrient absorption, and promote overall health and longevity. So, try incorporating more raw fruits and vegetables into your diet, and consider adding an enzyme supplement to your routine. Your body will thank you!
Rao, A. V. (2002). Enzymes in food processing and preservation. Food Research International, 35(4), 305-307.
Yamamoto, Y., & Gaynor, R. B. (2001). Therapeutic potential of inhibition of the NF-κB pathway in the treatment of inflammation and cancer. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 107(2), 135-142.
Roxas, M. (2008). The role of enzyme supplementation in digestive disorders. Alternative Medicine Review, 13(4), 307-314.
Bender, D. A. (2014). Introduction to nutrition and metabolism. CRC Press.
Sun, Y., Liu, B., Zhang, X., Li, W., Chen, M., & Zhu, C. (2015). The effects of enzyme-rich fruit and vegetable consumption on oxidative stress and inflammation in elderly people. Journal of Medicinal Food, 18(7), 760-766.